SAML2 SSO BuiltWith supports SAML2 single sign on. We can enable this at no extra cost for Team users of BuiltWith Pro.SAML2 SSO lets your company employees access BuiltWith Pro tool without having to signup for an account. You can use tools like PingIdentity, OneLogin, Okta, Google Admin SSO or Salesforce - your end user logs into these services and then open BuiltWith Pro - we handle the authorization. Our SAML2 Details you will need -Entity Id: https://pro.builtwith.comACS URL: URL (do not use for Entra): https://pro.builtwith.comBinding Type: HTTP RedirectName ID Format: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddressSAML Service Provider MetaData: our Guide to Enable SSO for Google Admin and our Guide to Enable SSO for OKTA. Please send us your X509 Certificate, EntityId and SSO URL to and let us know if you'd like JIT enablement.